SUGGESTIONS were made at the April meeting for future social afternoons - playing carpet bowls or skittles, or possibly a beetle drive and ideas to complete the new programme for 2004 were invited.

Speaker Bob Burton kept members intrigued with his collection of old bottles, most with labels included and many from the Redditch district. There were also metal objects found with a metal detector.

The vote of thanks was given by Margaret Smith. The sale of Fair Trade goods last month raised £29.35. Member Norah Snelling extended an invitation to visit her garden in the summer.

The competition was won by Margaret Smith, with May Lloyd second and Jean Lees third. Flower of the month was won by May Lloyd.

There are posters up around the town advertising Kingfisher WI. Jackie Grier had edited and produced another newsletter.

The next meeting is at 2pm on Monday, May 12, at the Ecumenical Centre.