TODAY is D-day for Pershore Cottage hospital as the consultation period on its future comes to a close.

Now the South Worcestershire Primary Care Trust will decide where to target health cuts to balance its £5.7m budget deficit.

The trust's review of health services earlier this year identified Pershore Cottage Hospital as one of the buildings it would most like to sell.

But the trust's proposals to re-locate the hospital to the ground floor of the new Heathlands building, on the Pershore Civic Centre site, have met with opposition.

Wychavon District Council's health scrutiny team produced two alternative options to the trust's proposal.

These are to either rebuild the existing hospital on the same site and provide a new health centre at the civic centre, or to build a new hospital and health centre at the civic centre.

The decision on the budgets cuts is due to be announced at the PCT board meeting, next Tuesday.