WE would like to respond to last week's letters referring to the illegal parking of motorcyclists in Severnside North, Bewdley.

Although the yellow no-parking lines are painted on the buildings' side of the bollards along Severnside North, the Highways Partnership manager says these restrictions apply from highway boundary to highway boundary.

This means up to the railings on the quay wall! We agree that this can be confusing so we will request that the yellow lines are repainted next to the railings. More expense.

The area between the bollards and the railings may not be an official footpath but it is there to provide a safe walkway along the riverside. Hence the bollards.

We both fully support the police and appreciate that they have to prioritise their calls. We are members of the Police / Community Consultation Group and in regular contact with our local beat manager Nigel Barter.

As members of Bewdley Chamber of Trade we can assure you that they and town councillors are all very concerned about the illegal parking in our town.

We consider that the residents do have a genuine concern with regards to the parking problem in Severnside North and will support them in their attempts to discourage illegal parking.

We now intend to campaign for the introduction of Community Support Officers, who will be empowered to issue fixed penalty tickets. The CSOs are funded by the Home Office so will not be a drain on the police budget.

They will complment our present police officers thus freeing them to carry out other duties. It should also hopefully ensure that our streets are free of litter, dog fouling and, of course, illegal parking.



Bewdley town


Lyttleton Road, Bewdley