I WAS very disturbed by the headline on the front page of the Evening News (Tuesday, April 29) and the substance of the report of our open meeting.

To begin with, there were only 30 residents present, not 100. We wished there had been. The overall impression is that the whole of Warndon Villages is a hotbed of crime.

This is far from the truth as the publication of the monthly crime figures from PC J McManus in the minutes of the parish council shows.

As you, and your readers know, the Villages is a beautiful place to live, but like every part of the city, we have the occasional, isolated, incident. There are not loads of yobs. The problem, which the police continually highlight, is catching the miscreants or having substantial evidence to prosecute.

Those present were told that over the last few years, many hooligans have been arrested and sentenced. That wasn't reported.

We've found your reporter has always given an unbiased version of the parish council's monthly meeting and the quotations from residents are accurate.

It's the inference that I object to and your subsequent editorial comment will only serve to inflame the situation.



Warndon Parish Council,


- We stand by our report and leader comment - Editor.