ART SOCIETY: The April speaker, Dawn Cookson spoke of her work as a portrait painter and of her time as a pupil of the great Pietro Annigoni which she remembered as a dedicated but magical time and was able to convey to her audience the atmosphere of the Masters studio in Florence.

The society now looks forward to the May 21 meeting when Lyn Gibson will speak on the history of colour and colour theory today. This is followed by the Spring Exhibition and sale of members original paintings at the United Reformed Church Hall, Broadway on Bank Holiday weekend May 24 to 26. Note to members: The June 4 workshop is fully booked. Details will be sent to successful applicants.

Evesham Art Society meets at The Friends Meeting House, Cowl Street, Evesham at 7.15pm for 7.30pm on the third Wednesday of each month except December. Non-members welcome.