A RAY of Florida sun was brought to Wyre Forest when South Palm Beach's town clerk met her Kidderminster counterpart.

Barbara Nock compared notes with Charles Talbot at the town hall - and declared herself "amazed" at how beautiful it is.

However, the 62-year-old is no stranger to Kidderminster - she was one of a family of eight born and bred here. She made the move to the sun 15 years ago when her husband Geoffrey found work there thanks to his knowledge of European automotive paint systems.

"Every few years we come over to catch up with the family," she explained. Charles Talbot welcomes Barbara Nock back to Kidderminster.

They stay with her brother, singer John Hutton and his fiancee Barbara Worton, Kidderminster mayor's secretary.

Mrs Nock said there are a few differences between Kidderminster and Florida's political systems, with American mayors enjoying much more power.

She is most busy during the season lasting from October until April, after which many South Palm Beach residents migrate back north.

She is responsible for council minutes and looks after the organisation of a series of lectures held at the town hall every winter.

But overall Mrs Nock is happy with the pace of Florida life.

"It's a laid-back, peaceful existence."