1803: The disorder styled the Influenza is again with us and has prevailed at three different periods, each about 20 years distant from the other, namely 1762, 1783 and now 1803. Although the Influenza has been so prevalent in the Metropolis, it has been attended with an infinitely less degree of mortality in country areas. Of the 661 deaths in London last month, as reported to the Lord Mayor, 18 were definitely due to the Influenza.

Yesterday died at Hampton, Evesham, John Brown Esq., head distributor of stamps for this county, which office he filled for many years with uprightness and integrity.

A letter from Madras states that recently a most bloody battle was fought between the armies of Holkaz and Scindea. The army of the latter, consisting of 50,000 men, was totally defeated with immense slaughter, and the victors are supposed to have possessed themselves of considerable treasures at Poonah.

1903: Lt. Col Herbert Sutherland Walker, Deputy Assistant Adjudant General of the Intelligence Division of the War Office, has been appointed as the new Chief Constable of Worcestershire at an annual salary of £600.

Robert Charles Wootton, labourer of Powick, was fined five shillings at the Worcester County Petty Sessions for being drunk in St John's. P.C Jones said he found Wootton lying drunk across the footpath. Defendant told the court he could not understand how he had come to be like that, having had only six drops of whisky and two pints of ale.

An interesting selection of readings and recitals was given last Saturday afternoon in the Lecture Theatre of the Victoria Institute by members of the Worcestershire Shakespearean Society.

An exhibition and sale of artificial flowers was held in the Public Hall, Worcester, on Tuesday in aid of the crippled girls' industrial branch of the Watercress and Flower Girls' Christian Mission.

1953: The Boy Scouts' "Bob-a-Job" Week is here again for the fifth time. For the majority of Scouts it affords pleasure and the opportunity of showing that, along with their brothers in other parts of Great Britain, they are prepared to seek jobs as a means of raising more money to meet the ever increasing costs of running their movement.

Mr John Clewes told an international conference at Malvern that no visitor to the Soviet world today ever saw inside the real Soviet Union. Even so, the Soviet people seemed contended with their present regime.

The Clean Sweep - Chimneys swept by brush, and the soot removed by vacuum. No mess - the Worcestershire Vacuum Cleaning Company, 22B Sidbury, Worcester.

More than 500 exhibitors from all over England took part in the Worcestershire Joint Show for Rabbits and Cavies at the Royal Albert Orphanage, Worcester.

The Chief Guide, Lady Baden-Powell is to visit Worcestershire in July.