A PROPOSED North Worcester sewage effluent system, flowing into the Severn just north of the river intake into the city's Waterworks, was naturally causing local public concern at this time a century ago.

"Crowquill," in his Journal comment column for this week of 1903, wrote: "The few houses grouped about Northwick Green are to have a sewerage system of their own, and it has occurred to somebody that there may be objections to sewage effluent, even after septic tank treatment, entering the Severn within about a mile of the city waterworks intake.

"Septic tanks may be perfect, but they will be wonderful tanks at Northwick if an exceptionally heavy storm or an official's neglect does not occasionally prevent perfect working.


"Those of us who drink the city water or enjoy summer bathing at the Slip will clearly view with great anxiety this planned sewage works at Northwick."