LAST weekend my wife and I were in Jersey leading the weekend services at The Salvation Army there. Last Friday, May 9 in Jersey was the Bank Holiday celebration of Liberation Day, the day that the island was freed from occupation at the end of the Second World War. This is a day of remembrance, thanksgiving and celebration of the freedom that was given on that day in 1945.

Many people are under the impression that being 'religious' means living under God's occupation and losing one's own independence and freedom. In fact, the exact opposite is true. God sent Jesus into the world not to take away our freedom but to actually give us freedom. The Bible tells us that 'if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed' (John 8:36). So, is there something that you want to be set free from? Guilt of the past, fear of the future? Ask Jesus to be your liberator, then you can celebrate your freedom every day!

CAPTAIN STEVE SMITH, Commanding Officer, The Salvation Army.