DYSON Perrins CE High School is applying for specialist status in business enterprise and engineering.

Specialist status would mean the school getting access to extra cash, more than £500,000 over a four-year period.

Head Peter Buchanan said: "Until now, we've held back from applying for specialist status because we've been busy with the £3 million rebuilding programme that's currently taking place at the school.

"But the Government is encouraging schools to apply for it, and we felt that now was the time."

Mr Buchanan said the school had plumped for business enterprise and education as its specialities because it covers such a wide area.

"Almost every area of the curriculum is covered, including languages, sciences and humanities. It's a near as possible to a title which says that whatever your interests, whatever your hopes and dreams, we've got the staff to deliver."

The school now needs to produce a curriculum plan and a community plan in time for the bid to be submitted in March next year.

"I'm hoping that the local business community will help us out, but we haven't started seeking out sponsorship yet," said Mr Buch-anan.

The Chase already has technology specialist status, while in Ledbury John Masefield High School is an arts specialist.