TORIES on Malvern Hills District Council are refusing to take their places on the executive committee.

The announcement was made by the group's new leader, Coun Paul Cumming. Reg Farmer, who led the group before its losses at the election has resigned as leader.

The Conservative group is entitled to occupy two seats on the council's six-seat committee.

But Coun Cumming said they decided not to take their places after reading a statement by Lib Dem leader Tom Wells in last Friday's Malvern Gazette.

A sentence in the paper's election coverage read: "Coun Wells said he would be offering two places on the council's controlling cabinet to the Conservative opposition".

Coun Cummings said his group objected to the use of the term "cabinet" and the implication that he will be "offering" them places.

Places on the executive committee are allocated according to each political group's slice of the council and are not anyone's gift.

Coun Cummings said: "We did not wish to allow the impression that we were part of some cosy clique, therefore we wouldn't be taking our seats on the committee, although we will be participating everywhere else in the council."

He said the Conservatives would be taking a close interest in the council's overview and scrutiny functions and would be suggesting ways to strengthen them.

Coun Wells said: "I think this is a great shame. I've always believed in working together and utilising everyone's talents to the fullest. We've got some really important issues looming in the next few months."

At Tuesday night's meeting of the council, the first since the election, coun Wells was elected as the council leader and Coun Jon Rayner as deputy leader. Coun Don Pearce was elected chairman and Coun Gill Dunne vice-chairman.