A FIGHT against more heavy traffic in a country lane at Kempsey is being watched anxiously by residents in another part of the village.

People in Bestmans Lane fear their single-track road could soon be subject to problems like those in Brook End Lane if a current planning application succeeds.

It involves converting farm buildings to light industry at a Bestmans Lane site.

Residents foresee noise and disturbance in their quiet road, as well as further potential development.

"It's our fear that this could be the first step to something far more serious," said Bestmans Lane resident Jeremy Robinson.

"The Brook End Lane precedent is a painful one, where the amount of commercial/ industrial usage has got a little bit out of hand.

"It could have serious implications in Bestmans Lane, which is even narrower and more winding."

Brook End Lane already has a light industrial site at Brook End Farm and residents are worried about the number of heavy lorries using the lane.


An application from Alan Davis, of Whittington, for permission to keep four goods vehicles and trailers at Unit 9, Brook End Farm, prompted up to 80 letters of objection.

As a result, the West Midlands Traffic Commissioner is to hold a public inquiry at the Giffard Hotel, Worcester, on Monday, June 9, at 10am.

In advance of this, a public meeting for those concerned will be held at Kempsey Community Centre tomorrow at 7.30pm.

David Harrison, of the Brook End Lane residents' committee, said he would present the results of a traffic survey taken between 5am and 9pm on Friday, May 10.

Mr Davis did not wish to comment.