THE May meeting was chaired by president Hilary Taylor, safely returned from her holiday in New Zealand.

Jumpers and blankets had been sent out to the Gambia via Jackie Gregory and members who had attended the Webheath Group meeting reported how enjoyable it had been.

Crabbs Cross & Hunt End are to be the hostess institute for the Autumn Group Meeting.

There are currently 22 members and more would be welcomed.

The June meeting is to be an open meeting. There will be a "dabble" time when various crafts are demonstrated and participation welcomed. There will also be a plant exchange stall.

The three resolutions to be heard at the National General Meeting were discussed.

These were on children's dietary habits and obesity, care of older people and to urge the Government to promote vocational training.

After the tea break, Doris Smith organised a beetle drive which provided much fun and merriment.