FOR our resolutions meeting, we had WIA Janet Clemas to guide us and as a result of that and some lively discussions, all three were passed.

During our tea break, we held a bring-and-buy sale and did a brisk trade.

When the birthday cards were given out, it was mentioned that three members had special birthdays in May - two were 80 and one was 85, so all members sang Happy Birthday to them.

We had reports on several members who are not well enough to join us at present and they had been sent get well cards.

The carpet bowls afternoon planned for next week has been cancelled for lack of support.

Another one, or an outing, is on the cards for the future.

Flower of the month was won by May Lloyd and the competition was won by Jean Lees, with May Lloyd second and Margaret Smith 3rd.

The next meeting is on June 9.