FLOOD defences for Worcester will be championed on national television when it is the main subject of a political show.

The chairman of Worcester Action Against Flooding (WAAF), Mary Dhonau, is being interviewed for The Politics Show, to be broadcast on Sunday, June 1, at noon on BBC1.

The fact that the Government considers Worcester to be a low priority for anti-flood measures has become a bugbear for Mrs Dhonau.

She will be interviewed with Hylton Road residents Bev and Andy Churchill to highlight the need for defences in the city.

"The Government isn't putting enough money into flood defences," said Mrs Dhonau, who spent thousands on making sure her Waverley Street home was flood-proof.

"Not one scheme can be put in place on the longest river in the country - Bewdley scraped through on the old scoring.

"The Environment Agency has published the list of priority scoring for the Midlands from Shrewsbury to Worcester. The BBC chose Worcester to highlight the issue".

But because Worcester is an urban flood plain it scores an average of five, which is well under the threshold of 22 needed for defences.