A POLICEMAN who tackled an armed man has been chosen by his colleagues as West Mercia's candidate for a top national bravery award.

Kidderminster-born PC Ian Fielding disarmed a man who threatened him and shoppers with a handgun in Worcester city centre.

The incident happened in Decembers 2001, when he and a colleague were involved with a driver they had stopped.

The gun later turned out to be an imitation weapon but the driver was jailed for 10 years on a range of charges.

PC Fielding, 41, is based at West Mercia HQ in Worcester with the road policing support team and has already won a Chief Constable's Commendation for Bravery.

Now he has been put forward for the National Police Federation bravery awards to be judged in London in July.

"My actions on the day were just instinct," he said.

"I knew this man had to be arrested and with the help of members of the public I was able to restrain him until other officers arrived."