ON Tuesday, the benefice magazine will be printed and collated in Longdon Vicarage from 9am-4pm. On Wednesday, Longdon Churchwomen's Fellowship will be meeting in the Queenhill WI Hall at 7.30pm. This will be an open meeting at which Miss E Scott will speak on South America and the Antarctic. Advance notice is given of the Longdon village fete to be held on Saturday, June 7 at 2.30pm on the recreation field. All the usual attractions will be available.

At Longdon School, children in Willow class are currently enjoying a weekly dance workshop led by a professional dancer. The children hope to perform their dance at Longdon fete along with traditional maypole dances. The school building project is well under way and it is hoped that the new cloakrooms and extension to Willow classroom will be in use before the end of the school year. The next phase of the project is to make improvements to the reception class accommodation, for which the school must find half the cost. The staff were very pleasantly surprised to receive a cheque for £50 from the managers of the Drum and Monkey Inn, who had chosen the school as the beneficiary of their charities fund.