TIME and space, exploring the cosmos, the science of ageing and our planet's future are among the topics to be examined during Cheltenham's second Festival of Science.

Britain's most recent Nobel laureate, Paul Nurse, astronomer Martin Rees, inventor Trevor Baylis and Noel Sharkey, from BBC TV's Robot Wars, are among those appearing.

Consciousness, organic food, whether recycling is worthwhile and the science of beer all come under the microscope during the event.

Mind-bending theories that time does not exist, that the Earth is a living organism and that luck can be manipulated are also to be discussed by prominent scientists.

There is plenty for children as well, including opportunities to become an electrical engineer for the day and walk away with your invention, educational films, a Lego and robotics workshop and even making comets from household items.

The festival runs from June 4-8. Details on 01242 227979 or www. cheltenhamfestivals.co.uk.