WITH just under a month to go, preparations for the 18th Upton International Jazz Festival are well under way.

Organiser 'Sir' Alan Buckley and his team are busy ironing out last-minute problems before the three- day event at the end of June.

"This is not stress time for me but troubleshooting time," he said. "There are always problems every year but everything's going to plan."

The finishing touches are being added to the programme before it is sent to the printers, with pegging out of Fish Meadow due to begin on June 19.

Ticket sales are going well after a lull during the Iraq War, but 'Sir' Alan was confident of a good turnout. He said: "They always leave it to the last minute."

The festival runs from Friday to Sunday, June 27 to 29. Tickets are available from Upton TIC on 01684 594200.