SURELY it's a sick joke? The proposal to build in Townsend Way a new combined surgery, perhaps with a new hospital, with all attendant benefits to patients was apparently shouted down at two public meetings and now with surprising alacrity the PCT is proposing to site the new surgeries at the Pickersleigh Road depot.

Why this sudden turnaround? It appears the PCT is hoping to do a deal with MHDC in return for a promise to build the hospital at Seaford Court. Excuse my hollow laugh.

Townsend Way would have been the ideal site - as you can see from my address I would be one of the people for whom the facility would be further away than at present but weighing up all the advantages I looked forward to an easy to get to surgery, plenty of parking and room for expansion if necessary.

Instead of the above we start with a £50,000 spend to see if the land in Pickersleigh Road is contaminated, massive road rebuilding on this particularly dangerous junction would be a necessity and very limited space.

The question of where a surgery is sited is largely academic, especially to residents from Malvern Wells and Leigh Sinton for example. Surveys show that over 80 per cent of patients travel by car to see their doctor. There is already a bus service to Townsend Way. Also many people would be within walking distance for the first time.

In the 30 plus years I have lived in Malvern I have seen proposal after proposal watered down to satisfy a small vocal minority - the "dumbing down" of the Splash was a prime example of 'rabble power' - it is a pity the rest of us have to suffer as a result.

HEATHER TIMNEY, Merton Road, Malvern Link.

Editor's Note: Readers might be surprised to learn the Pickersleigh Road depot site is four and a half acres. Room for a health centre and a sports hall?