FRUSTRATION with this government will lead to more people turning to the BNP and voting for them.

I wish Carole Roberts and her son Paul the best of luck for standing up for what they believe.

We are all getting sick of this nanny state, politically-correct MPs who just sit on the fence, liberal judges who give ridiculous sentences and the asylum system which is a complete joke.

At least the BNP are the only ones brave enough to voice the concerns of the majority of the population and provide people with a choice.

MARK HEATON, Worcester.

n FRUSTRATION with this government will lead to more people turning to the BNP and voting for them.

I wish Carole Roberts and her son Paul the best of luck for standing up for what they believe.

We are all getting sick of this nanny state, politically-correct MPs who just sit on the fence, liberal judges who give ridiculous sentences and the asylum system which is a complete joke.

At least the BNP are the only ones brave enough to voice the concerns of the majority of the population and provide people with a choice.

MARK HEATON, Worcester.