IN reply to John Norwood's letter (You Say, May 16), in which he asks why it is so expensive to go to the Malvern Gardening Show, I must point out that the highest ticket price was actually £12.50 and not £13.50 as he states, and that £12.50 was actually the gate price for Friday only.

In fact, adults were able to buy tickets for the event from as little as £9.50 if they booked in advance of a well-publicised deadline. With children (15 and under) admitted completely free, a family could visit for just £19.

Add to that the ample free parking at the showground, and the many attractions on offer, and I think most would agree that Malvern compares favourable to all other national gardening shows of this calibre.

SHARON GILBERT, Press Officer,

The Showground, Malvern.