ANGRY Spa tenants could be booted out of their homes to make way for builders.

Spa Housing Association wants to bulldoze six semis in The Ridgeway and build six new houses and two flats.

The application, which also includes replacing 44 garages off Rose Avenue with seven homes, has been deferred by Wychavon District Council's development control and licensing committee.

On Thursday, councillors ordered a site visit and the application is back up for discussion in three weeks.

Residents who face losing their much-loved properties feel badly treated. Ernest and Joyce Sparkes, both aged 70, have lived at The Ridgeway for the 42 years.

"This is our home and yet they want to throw us out and knock it down," said Mr Sparkes.

"We love it here. I have a huge garden where I grow all my own vegetables and I've got some lovely plants. They have told us we can have any house we want - any house but this one."

Neighbour Roy Tipton believes they should upgrade the present buildings.

District councillor Pam Davey (Con - Droit.East) attended the planning meeting. She said: "Residents express their worries to me."

Cllr Davey reckons access, parking and traffic issues have not been properly addressed. Sympathising with tenants being asked to leave , she said the housing association had lacked sensitivity.

The Queen Street association says the development is for the good of all tenants.

"As a responsible landlord, we want to work with residents to provide the best accommodation. That is what this is all about," said a Spa Housing spokeswoman.