I WRITE regarding the ongoing stupidity of the Redditch road system.

This time it isn't about the Sainsbury's island road marking mayhem but some more white line madness at the end of the Coventry Highway approaching the Staples island.

Has the county council been landed with a "not to miss" deal on white paint or has somebody with a little power under their belt gone incredibly insane?

With the amount of traffic on the road today, they go and place bottlenecks all over the place!

Somebody, somewhere thinks this is a good idea but they will be returned to planet Earth with an almighty thump when this project really turns sour, which it will.

Not so long ago, Hereford Council reversed the one-way system in the city centre only to realise what a mistake they had made, so they returned the roads to the original direction at a cost to the taxpayer of about £40,000.

I would like to ask all motorists to keep their cool on these mad roads of ours and remember we are all feeling the same frustration.


Cleobury Close
