DEAR EDITOR -- It is interesting to know that Bromsgrove District Council are teaming up with the Worcestershire Wild Life Trust to improve conservation of wild life as featured in the Advertiser/Messenger (May 28).

The brooks flowing through the town centre and the one running alongside the Millennium Path behind the Kingfisher Nurseries are classic situations where neglect on the part of the council has resulted in the brooks being so filthy that wildlife has been discouraged over the past 30 years.

The only wildlife that could possible be encouraged along the brooks are mosquitoes.

The brooks alongside the Millennium Path were a haven for wildlife 30 or more years ago. There was a natural eco system, birds, f ish, tadpole, newts, frogs, wild flowers and the numerous types of insects.

Over the last 25 years this has all disappeared, due in some part to neglect by the council in not keeping the brooks clean. We now have an accumulation of tree debris, silt and domestic rubbish.

These brooks, properly maintained, could provide a beautiful feature for the public. They were kept clear and clean years ago, why not now?

Another environment issue; litter and dog excrement. Do we have "officers" to monitor these unsightly factors?


Lowes Hill
