MAY I refer to the remarks attributed to Councillor David Barlow (Evening News, June 4) concerning the fireworks display, which followed the classical music performance at New Road on Sunday, June 1.

Either Mr Barlow's tongue is so firmly embedded in his cheek that it's in danger of poking out of one of his ears, or he is actually being serious in his condemnation of the display.

Let's work this out - there are 365 days in a year, 24 hours in a day, 60 minutes in one hour. I make that 525,600 minutes in one year.

A firework display lasting one quarter of an hour represents 0.0000285 of a year!

Are we to seriously believe that there will be a wailing and a gnashing of teeth among the student population blaming the firework display for poor exam results? I hardly think so.

I half-expected a letter of complaint about the weekend's festivities from one of the professional killjoys, who occasionally inhabit the letters column of this paper, but not from someone who should be in a position to take a broader perspective of such matters.

Come on Mr Barlow, lighten up!

Incidentally, I took my daughter to Excess 2003 on Saturday, May 31, and may I just add my congratulations to the organisers of this excellent event. The music did not necessarily appeal to a parent of a certain age, but it proved to be a most enjoyable day. Here's to next year.


The Arboretum,
