AN up and coming young tennis player from Droitwich Spa has taken the first step to stardom by representing her county.

Lauren Whiteman, aged eight and a member of the town's tennis club, competed for Herefordshire and Worcestershire in the Midlands U9s mini tennis event in Nottingham on Sunday, June 1.

The team, up against seven other counties, finished runners-up to Derbyshire after winning 25 sets of a possible 32 on the day.

Lauren was joined by Bromsgrove's Monika Kondratowicz, Pippa Brock and Holly Wootter.

The county boys', featuring Bromsgrove's James Nolan, Oliver Simpler and Shivam Pabaric, were also runners-up to Linolnshire the day before, giving Herefordshire and Worcestershire overall victory.