THE June meeting was an informal set of demonstrations by some members of their method of working in their chosen medium.

Paintings were started in oils, watercolour, pastel and pencil and everyone was invited to participate or to discuss the work in progress.

Landscape and flower paintings were popular and there was also a volunteer sitter for some portrait paintings.

This was the first meeting since the spring exhibition.

This was very successful, with a great deal of interest being shown by Kingfisher Centre shoppers who viewed the pictures and submitted more than 600 votes for their selection of the best picture overall and the best flower picture.

These prizes were won by Barbara Winfield and Margaret Witts respectively.

The next meeting will be at 7.30pm on Wednesday, July 2, at St Luke's Memorial Hall, Evesham Road, Headless Cross, when the visiting speaker will be Peter Milward who will demonstrate the use of watercolour and Chinese brushwork.