Twenty-four members, including a new member Margaret Peasley, attended Salwarpe WI's June meeting.

Plans for the future include the formation of a walking group and a boat trip from Worcester to Upton to take place in August.

The annual draw for the bursary to Denman College took place. The name of Morag Ford, a former president, was drawn by Anne Brazier who won last year and who had done a course in public speaking.

An idea for a monthly competition was initiated. Members would bring to the meeting an article, or an item they had made or assembled, relevant to the topic of the speaker for that month. Members would vote for the best by placing coins beside the one they chose. The winner would be the one with the most coins, for which they would be awarded a small prize, and the money raised would go to charity.

The subject originally chosen by Mrs Veronica Collette, our speaker, was about a journey through China, and the winner was the president, Margaret Donnelly. However, the relevant slides could not be found by Mrs Collette and instead members were treated to an extraordinary insight into life in Saudi Arabia.