ARTISTIC youngsters in Wychavon are being urged to put their talents to good use by helping to keep the noise down in the district.

A poster competition has been organised by Wychavon District Council in an effort to combat noise nuisance.

The contest has been divided into two categories - seven to 12-year-olds and 13 to 17-year-olds - and the winners from both will see their designs used across the district and will receive a framed copy of their work.

"We want to promote a responsible attitude towards noise and to highlight and explore noises that annoy," said environmental health officer Charlotte Landeg.


"It is about being aware of the activities people undertake in their homes and how they could affect their neighbours.

"Noise nuisance can be anything from a stereo being played too loudly to a dog which barks at all hours.

"It takes just a little consideration for this to be eliminated and we want the help of our younger residents to get the message across."

The designs should be on A4 paper and have the artist's name, address and age on the back. They should be sent to Charlotte Landeg, Poster Competition, Wychavon District Council, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, WR10 1PT.

The closing date for entries is Monday, August 4.