ON Sunday, July 6 the service at St Mary the Virgin Church, Upleadon, was a Book of Common Prayer holy communion, conducted by the Rev Dr Peter Newing. Mrs Jessie Williams read the epistle and Mrs Jean Arnold read the gospel. Mr Bert Vye was the sidesman. Both churchwardens were in attendance. The service in Upleadon Church on Sunday will be evening prayer led by Mrs Jessie Williams.

Members of Upleadon Over 60s Club met on Tuesday, July 1, in Upleadon Village Hall. Mrs Hazel Berry welcomed everyone and organised the very enjoyable quiz. It was a social quiz and was well attended with four tables. Everyone was a winner because all had a bar of chocolate. The popular raffle, where again all win, was held. Mrs Phyllis Maddocks and Mrs Dulcie Huggins were tea hostesses. The next meeting is on Tuesday, August 5, again the village hall. Also in the village hall on Monday, July 28, at 7.30pm there will be the bi-monthly bingo session for club funds. All are welcome to this friendly bingo.