REFRESHED players from Upton Rugby Club have returned to training after a couple of months off and are set for the coming season.

Rob Heeley, Upton RFC club captain said: "I am looking forward to the 2003/2004 season. Last season we finished mid-table, but had a terrible spate of injuries all year. This year I hope we can stay relatively clear of knocks and mount a challenge on either the league or cups, or all of them. However, first team squad player Ben Penson has already broken his ankle whilst paintballing."

The club has much to look forward too this year and changes off the field have been welcomed.

Heeley continued: "Although I remain 1st XV captain, there are a couple of major changes. Coach Ron Hobbs has decided to take on the club chairmanship too, so that he can have more control on what goes on in the club. I know he really wants to make this a family club where wives, girlfriends and children are welcome.

"Hopefully, by making these groups welcome we can attract more players, particularly those lads who have dropped by the wayside recently.

"New second team captain, Huw Williams feels he has major role to play with getting lads back playing. Huw, in his early thirties, has decided after 15 years at the club, playing consistently for the first team, to put something back into the club. He knows most of the players and I hope some of our missing players may return.

"Rugby is a game to enjoy! I know it hurts on occasions, but the beer tastes better afterwards. We only live once and it would be a shame if some of our players didn't take this opportunity to continue forging the friendships they've made over the years."

Training is every Tuesday at 7pm with the first two weeks being ball handling and touch rugby to get players back into it.

So, all Upton members, and any new players out there, report on Tuesday.