ONCE again I am writing to you about the perpetual problem (worse this time of the year) of bonfires.

The first nice day they start. This weekend, they seemed to be everywhere, making it unable to sit in the garden or have your windows open, especially if you suffer for asthma or breathing problems.

I have written to the council on previous occasions and there seems nothing they can do, only give us a chart to fill in to say when the bonfires occur, how often etc, but this is impossible to do.

Unless it is an immediate neighbour, how can you be expected to know who has the bonfire if it is engulfing this area from several roads down or up the hill?

Whichever way the wind is blowing you get it and eventually as the colder air arrives with evening it settles in the valley all night.

With the opening of the new council yard in the Link there should be no need for bonfires at all, but I am afraid it is going to take a long time for people to charge their attitude to bonfires and the pollution it causes.

DOREEN SPEARE, Worcester Road, Great Malvern.