THIS season has already been a very successful year for Manor Park Tennis Club's junior players.

Thirteen now play for the Herefordshire & Worcestershire (H&W) county squad, training once or twice a week at the county centre based at Manor Park.

Two of the players, Richard Tuck and Ben Marks are also county future players so they get some financial assistance from the LTA.

They have just spent a weekend in Northampton playing in the U13 county cup and succeeded in winning some of their matches to retain their place in Division Three.

Nancy Zhang went to Billesly, Warwickshire to play in the girls U13 county cup. Though Nancy won all her matches the rest of the team lost all theirs so they came third out of four teams. Thus the team will stay in league 5A for next year.

In inter county competition Lizzie Gorton was selected for the U11 girls. This comprised two one-day events against other county teams.

Overall winners were Warwick-shire but H&W won a number of matches and gained a 100 per cent success against Gloucestershire.

Also at inter-county level Jasmine Quinney was selected for the U10 girls team while Jamie Marks and David Hodgetts were selected for the U10 boys teams. David is eligible to play next year while Jamie can play for two more years.

In the older age group Alice Huskinson, who is only 16, represented the U18 county cup team in South Ribble. Out of four teams Derbyshire came first with 20 rubbers while H&W came third with 14.

In the younger age group several Manor Park members represent H&W in the mini leagues. Both the red and green teams played against eight other counties at Nottingham and were extremely successful. The green team comprising of Jack Cooney, Holly Wooten and reserve Sebastian Timmermans came first overall after both the boys and girls came second in their events with 25 points each.

The red team came fourth overall, the boys came first in their event with 286 points and the girls came fifth with 239 points, Manor Park members representing H&W in the red team were Mark Smout and Charlie Lecmere.