HEATHER Mead, of the Safety Camera Partnership, gives a partial answer to the old question, "must someone die before the police act?" - the police act after, not before, people have been 'KSI'.

But bundling "killed" and "seriously injured" together is a misleading use of statistics.

"Killed" includes those killed outright in "accidents", as well as those who died from their injuries within 30 days.

If someone dies more than 30 days after the "accident", they are not counted as having been killed at all.

They're included among the "seriously injured", along with many people who make a full recovery and continue their life almost as if the "accident" had never happened!

The number of people dying annually is, thus, probably much higher than the 3,400 quoted.

Trying to identify "dangerous" places is in any case a waste of time, for "accidents" happen in all sorts of places.

If the police were serious about saving lives, they'd stop messing about with brightly-painted cameras. Instead, they'd put up hidden cameras at random locations.


