WORRIES about potential noise and smell have been raised by people objecting to a plan for a cattery in Welland.

The parish council said the scheme for 20 cattery pens in the back garden of Red Gables, near the post office in Gloucester Road, Welland, was unsuitable for a village environment.

But Malvern Hills environmental health officers say other catteries near residential properties in the district have not given cause for complaint.

Noise and smell could be controlled through planning and licensing conditions.

However, the present plan does not provide sufficient parking space for the cattery and planning officers say an additional five spaces would have to be provided in the front garden of Red Gables.

Hard standing

It would probably mean removing a large conifer and turning much of the front garden into hard standing.

A planning committee, which meets tomorrow, is being recommended to grant permission for the cattery, subject to plans for the required parking spaces being submitted and approved.