LAST Sunday evening a jazz service took place at St James Church, Colwall. Those taking part were Carl Attwood, John and Pamela Frith and Phil Probert. The theme was love and numbers including Summertime and What a Wonderful World were played. The service ended with a rousing performance of Down by the Riverside.

A patronal supper will be held in the Ale House on Friday, July 25, at 7.30pm. This will include wine, starter and multitudinous puddings. Tickets from Syd Widdows, Marion Percy and Pauline Veale. Seats are limited so please book early.

The 60th annual flower show of the Wyche & Colwall Horticultural Society will take place on Saturday, August 9 ,from 2-5pm. Entries close on Wednesday, August 6, at 5pm. For enquiries please telephone (01684) 540416/565314 /540589 or e-mail

The Red Cross week house to house collection raised £327.86. Collectors for next year would be welcomed. Please contact Jenni Griggs on 540533.

Advance notice of the annual Scout jumble sale, which will be held on Saturday, September 20, at Colwall Village Hall.