A LICKEY End drama group is searching for someone to say 'it fits, it fits' in the annual pantomime.

The Lickey Players group is auditioning next Wednesday (July 30) for its Christmas pantomime, Cinderella,

Current members and new faces, are invited along to the audition being held in the Lickey Parish Hall, Old Birmingham Road, from 7.30pm onwards.

And there are plenty of parts for talented youngsters who can sing and dance, although they need to aged eight and over.

However, if you don't quite feel ready to tread the boards there are plenty of positions behind the scenes up for grabs, including costume design, make-up and lighting. A choreographer is also required to help teach the tots their steps.

The group has been established for more than 20 years and meets in Lickey End Parish Hall every Wednesday, at 7.30pm. The annual pantomime is always a runaway success. For further information call Irene Scott on 0121 445 2600 or 0771 370 0978.