THE article and We Say comment regarding the Real Countryside Alliance (Evening News, Tuesday, July 15) raises a number of points.

The RCA have their own agenda which has been limited, at worst, to poking fun at pompous MPs. I hope it will remain just that.

With 59 per cent of the public against a hunt ban, blocking Worcester city by the RCA would simply alienate that huge trust and support.

Hunting has told the truth and won the case. It's only a couple of hundred bigoted MPs who haven't heard the news yet.

The comments in We Say don't grasp the importance of hunting to so many people. It isn't a hobby or a pastime it is a way of life, a job, a home, everything.

Nobody should underestimate the resolve of these people to keep it safe. The moral case against hunting does not exist.

If it's all right to kill a pests like rats or rabbits with a dog, then why not a fox or a mink.

What we really have is political prejudice disguised as high moral reason.

The whole hunting issue is put into true perspective by your coverage (Wednesday, July 16) of the desperate state of our hospitals and ambulance service in Worcestershire.

The doctors, nurses and staff are doing their best while the managers struggle with massive debts and ridicules targets.

Noticeably absent was any comment by Michael Foster MP on this whole NHS mess.

One mention of hunting and, as usual, I'm sure he'd have plenty to say.


Worcester Road,
