PRESIDENT Alison Warren welcomed members and guests from other Institutes in the Redditch group to Ipsley's 37th birthday party, which took place at the July meeting.

All were saddened to hear of the death of Rita Jordan, a friend and fellow member from Crabbs Cross and Hunt End WI.

Alison reported that the cake stall at the Alexandra Hospital Fete had been a success and raised £130.

The entertainment for the evening was provided by John Denith and John Price who performed songs from 'the old days' to the accompaniment of a piano accordion.

All had a great time joining in with the choruses and an American supper was enjoyed.

Mavis Walthew won the competition with a very striking and attractive black and white flower arrangement. Judith Scott was second and Grace Motteram third. Judith also won the flower of the month competition with a fuschia.

The August meeting will be a short mystery coach trip, followed by a meal. Any members who were not at the meeting but who are interested in taking part should contact a committee member without delay.