REGARDING the article in the Shuttle/Times and News on July 10 headed "Hunt ban a waste of time", MP Dr Richard Taylor's comments on the hunting ban seem to be uneducated cronyism.

Quote: "...the fox is killed the instant it is caught". He failed to mention the hours of torment from the chase. If foxes are not caught, 90 per cent will go to ground and die from total exhaustion and fear, caused from the chase alone. I wouldn't call that "instant".

Quote: "...freedom of choice". To give freedom of choice to people to inflict such cruelty on our wildlife, is the same as giving freedom of choice to Saddam Hussain.

Quote: "...time-honoured tradition". Burning witches at the stake was also a tradition and, like fox-hunting, is now an out-dated, barbaric practice.

Quote: "...the anti-hunting lobby has failed to prove its animal cruelty arguments". Has he not read the WWF report or the Burns Inquiry? There are endless reports proving cruelty in this sport.

Quote: "...waste of Government time". Parliament is for all issues. Over 70 per cent of the people in this country want to see this sport banned.

Clearly Dr Taylor prefers not to listen to 70 per cent of his constituency.


Stourport Road
