PROGRESS needs to be made on the dilapidated former eurohaus site which is "not a good advert" for Malvern.

That is the call being made by Malvern Hills District councillors for Malvern Link who are urging their planning officers to press for action on the site, part of the Conserva-tion Area.

The site was bought in January 2000 by German budget supermarket chain Lidl. An initial application for a supermarket was rejected following opposition by local residents who were fearful of the impact the store would have on traffic problems in the Link.

A decision on the company's latest application, submitted last year, has not been made because council officers want more information about the plans.

All three Malvern Link councillors - David Hough-ton-Smith, Pat Raven and Clive Smith - want to know what progress has been made.

"We've heard nothing about it whatsoever," said coun Houghton-Smith.

"It appears to be at a bit of a standstill. All of the Link councillors are keen to see something done about it.

"I don't get many complaints about it from residents but there's an area of concern because it's starting to look a bit dilapidated - it's not a good advert for the Link or for Malvern.

"To us, Lidl has submitted three applications, each one has been unsuccessful so if they've not got the message, they should have.

"It would be advantageous for Lidl to sell the site.

"Personally, I'm keen to see something constructive done with it like a community area or a small housing development with low-cost starter homes."

MHDC's head of development control, David Murray, revealed that the council were still waiting to hear from the company.

Lidl refused to comment on the issue.