AN average of one in four trains are still running late on the "journey from hell" between Worcester to Birmingham - despite major improvements by operators.

Central Trains has revealed between 20 and 30 per cent of trains arrive at their destinations over ten minutes late.

This compares to 40 per cent at the beginning of the year and the company puts the improvement down to track widening and new signals.

But while, on paper, the increase looks good, Central Trains admits the figures still leave a lot to be desired.

"A lot more work does need to be done - we are under no illusions about that. But we have made some significant inroads in the last half a year," said a company spokesman.

"When you compare the latest figures to November last year, when there were only 50 to 60 per cent of trains on time and the service was at its worst since privatisation, then we have done a lot already.

Network Rail revealed earlier this month that one in 10 trains throughout the country will still be running late by 2013.

The not-for-profit infrastructure company caused outrage when it announced an improvement programme involving 2,000 job cuts.

Several passengers waiting at Worcester Foregate Street agreed that the service was still far from ideal.

Punctuality, congestion, and time tabling top the list of complaints.

"It's absolutely rubbish, it's the journey from hell" said Neil Brandley of Worcester.

"I use the service five or six days a week and I always seem to be delayed - it's a shock if the train is on time.

"Add to this over-crowding and rubbish timetabling and the service is an absolute joke."

Another regular commuter, who did not want to be named, added: "I am fed up of being squashed onto a train like a John West sardine."

For Jim Marlow of Sidbury, Worcester, it is the passengers who are the problem with their constant moaning.

"In the 16 years I have been doing the journey from Worcester to Birmingham the train has only failed to get me from A to B four times.

"I admit that there are too many services which cause some problems, but on the whole it serves its purpose and the staff are friendly. Passengers just moan unnecessarily."