HUNDREDS of former smokers from the county are casting aside their cigarettes and kicking the habit, the latest figures have revealed.

Worcestershire's smoking cessation service helped 947 nicotine addicts to lead healthier lives from April last year to March this year.

The service's advisors were successful with 60 per cent of the 1,575 people who went to them for help - beating the national rate by a considerable margin.

Its team of 400 advisors has shown the habit can be kicked with help and therapy.

Clients were set a quit date and were followed up four weeks later. Across the whole of England, 123,900 people managed to quit in this time, 53 per cent of those who set a quit date.

Julia North, head of Worcestershire's service, said she had been impressed with the results.

"It has been really good," she said. "It's been going so well, not just in Worcestershire but across England.

"Smoking cessation is one of the key targets for primary care trusts, and is becoming very important."

Seventy per cent of the successful quitters were helped at GP practices with help from the practice nurses.

The previous year, the service had 783 successes.

For more information about how to quit smoking, call the service on 01905 760222, or visit the website,