MATTHEW A Clarke nailed his political colours to the mast by claiming to be a proud British and a Conservative one at that (You Say, July 14). While he's perfectly entitled to his political views, I do find his rationality questionable.

His letter praised Shaftesbury, Disraeli, Churchill and Thatcher for making Britain great. However, people on the receiving end of these former Tory leaders' policies may disagree with him there.

I happen to consider the National Health Service - and other social reforms - as the greatest British institution, brought about by a socialist government to look after the poor British working classes.

Presently, the majority of Mr Clarke's party - on the opposition seats at Westminster - pride themselves as being British during any EU debates, but they do object to Welsh and Scottish MPs participating and voting on English issues.

I don't find such inconsistent behaviour as a persuasive argument for being a proud British Conservative.

L SPITERI, Worcester.