JUST what is the point of setting up an enquiry into the death of MoD scientist and weapons inspector Dr David Kelly under Lord Hutton?

The most powerful person in Britain is the Prime Minister, and he alone has the authority and resources to uncover the truth quickly, or reveal it if he already knows it, as is highly probable.

Dr Kelly showed himself capable of facing down Iraqi hostility in his role as an UNSCOM inspector working in Iraq for five years, and was said by his UNSCOM boss Scott Ritter to be the most hated of all the inspectors by Saddam Hussein.

We do not need the camouflage of an enquiry. We need the Prime Minister to come clean and give us the facts as they are known to him and which cannot be improved upon by any enquiry, however senior the judge conducting it.

Neither do we need "a period of restraint". Such recourse to a plea for shared sympathy fools nobody any more.

The exposure of "New" Labour's perfection of the dark arts over the years as manipulative and patronising leaves Blair bereft of all credibility.



MATTHEW Clarke says Margaret Thatcher contributed to Britain's greatness. Is that why the Tories kicked her out?

