SPENDING £30,000 on a retail survey of Bromsgrove town centre is a 'scandalous waste of public money', a district councillor claims.

Leader of the Labour opposition Cllr Peter McDonald (Waseley) hit out at an executive cabinet decision to provide financial support for the Bromsgrove Town Retail Report 2003.

At the meeting of the full council last Tuesday, Cllr McDonald asked: "Why are the council so eager to waste £30,000 on this district report?"

The purpose of the report is to:

l Gain better understanding of how the town centre functions.

l Assess the future role of Bromsgrove town centre within the retail hierarchy.

l Look into the environmental quality of the town centre.

l Assess the physical potential of the town including redevelopment/enhancements of the streets.

l Assist in policy formulation for the Local Development Framework and develop strategy for the town.

However, Cllr McDonald said members of the authority should already have this knowledge.

"If the Tories had the finger on the pulse they would already know what is needed in the High Street," he said.

"If you do not know what the town centre requires, then you should all resign."

He added: "Spending £30,000 is a scandalous waste of public money."

However, deputy leader of the council Cllr Margaret Taylor (Con-Linthurst) defended the decision.

"Any responsible council would look at the sustainability of the town centre and any development in and around it," she said.

"Bromsgrove has greatly changed over the last 10 years, never mind the last 20 years.

"The report on what is needed in the town centre will need a great deal of consideration and will be vital when we work with the county council on the Local Plan.

"I think it is very irresponsible of the Labour councillors to say they will have no part of this report."