Friends of Cradley School, in conjunction with John Stoddard, are running an evening of music and dance entitled A Tribute to Gershwin, to be held at Colwall Village Hall on August 22. Tickets are £7 and are available from: John Goodwin, Colwall 01684 540300

The next meeting of the Wyche and Colwall Horticultural Society will take place on Monday, August 4, at 7.30pm at the Village Hall. The speaker will be Mr Fergus Garrett whose subject will be 'The Gardens at Great Dixter'.

Last Friday evning 55 people enjoyed a Patronal Supper at the Ale House, organised by Pauline Veale. The Patronal Festival continued on Sunday with a Parish Communion joined by members of the congregation and choir from Cradley, whose church is also dedicated to St. James the Great.