The English weather, living up to its reputation, drove the Garden Party into the Village Hall last Friday, but spirits were not dampened and over 30 residents enjoyed a convivial evening. Everyone was given a name label and most people brought along a picture of themselves when very young for a 'Guess Who?' competition, which caused much amusement and head scratching.

Another entertainment was trying to guess who had had which 'Unusual Experience'. Who arrested the leader of the Black Panthers, for instance? Who did a Fan Dance on TV? Really, one never knows how very intriguing one's neighbours are. Everyone had an interesting tale to tell, whether amusing or scary.

Many thanks to David and Carrie Tarplett, Liz Jeffers, Peter Marshall, Ann and Mike Bowker, Barbara Savery and Denise Murray-Mason for doing all the donkey work and providing the food, not forgetting David Murray Mason for his excellent cork-pulling and dispensing skills at the wine bar.

Such events enable long-time residents and newcomers to meet and mingle in a friendly, relaxed atmosphere, keeping the spirit of community alive. The party raised £135 for Village Hall funds, taking us one small step closer nearer to the completion of the refurbishment and improvements.