MUSICAL EVENING: A musical evening with an Anglo-German theme was held at the home of Mrs Sophie Dodds last Saturday evening and proved to be a big success, despite the persistent rain which made the idea of the planned garden party impossible to carry out. The music was provided by Monday Minstrels, a recently-formed group of musicians most of whom are members of the Evesham U3A and who have come into contact with each other through that organisation. Mrs Dodds, a committee member and leader of a German conversation group, devised the idea of an evening's entertainment which could also become a fund-raising event for St James' Church and this, which included a supper of German and English - style food, was well supported by U3A members and church congregation alike. Mrs Dodds and her helpers, to whom she herself gave warmest praise, were thanked by the Rector at Sunday morning's service, when he said how pleasing had been the spirit of camaraderie which had prevailed. Turning a wet and dingy evening into a lively, friendly event. He also took the opportunity of thanking his congregation for the way in which they had supported the Family Service held the previous Sunday at the school when their leavers service took place there instead of in church.

SCHOOL: The school's year ended with a presentation afternoon the following day and, while numbers make the publication of all the names of prizewinners impossible, there were many glad hearts and proud expressions as children were rewarded and commended (in various ways) for their success not only in academic subjects but for progress and improvement, for attitude and service, for kindness and consideration. Congratulations and good wishes to all concerned were sincerely expressed and it was evident that the invited members of the village community were most impressed with all they saw.

HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: The Horticultural Society's summer outing to see the house and gardens at the RHS's property, Arley Hall in Cheshire, took place last Sunday and was greatly enjoyed by all who went. The weather was fine which was a welcome relief after the drenching rain of the previous two days, so the strolling and viewing were done in comfort and with great pleasure. Thanks were expressed to secretary Edith Capell and other committee members who organised the trip.

QUIZ: Letters have gone out recently from the church's social committee to all the village organisations announcing the fourth challenge quiz which will be held again at the beginning of November. It is hoped that there will be the usual willing response. Would-be contestants should start swotting up their general knowledge now.